Gone but will never be forgotten.
Caliber one of our pride and joy!! He always gave his best at anything you asked of him. Caliber was our show dog teacher. He tout many young adults and children how to handle and preform in the show ring. He would take his students around the ring and he just seamed to know how to get them to move at the right gate. Caliber was shown and placed in the junior handles classes by junior handles every time you turned around. He looked forward it!
Caliber also was Dalton's (my youngest son's) 4- H dog. The two of them made quite a pair! They won over a dozen trophies and numeric first place ribbons!
Caliber's daughter ''Remi'' is fallowing in his foot steps. Remi can be seen under our girls.
Location: 21334 Sherred Hill Rd, Venango, PA 16440
(814) 720-3734
Hours: Monday - Sunday: Open 24 Hours